Thursday, September 15, 2011

It's Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! =) (I couldn't resist...)

So...I know I once again have not posted in a while, but it is not for lack of things to say that I do not post is for lack of time. =) I think that if I truly put my mind to it, I would post at least a little something every day or two, but school seems to be taking my writing energy for right now. ='/ As soon as I can, I will find something to write about that will make up for the weeks of silence. =) And I'm pretty sure that will not take too long. ;) I've got some crazy, amazing things coming up soon! Drama class starts again tomorrow, and that is making me super excited! But to be honest, even drama class pales in comparison to the next business is truly starting! I have my first gig lined up in October, and I'm really excited about that, seeing as how it happens to be my sister Jessica's party! A lot of people are gonna be there, as mom wants to give Jessie a really fun party (and would like to help me in my endeavors by getting me started a bit), and I still have some things to put in order before I'm costume-ready, but it's actually happening!
A few other things could probably be said, as when I get started, I tend to be pretty long-winded, but right now I have to go round up some crazy seals that are traipsing around the hallway (a.k.a - my hyper sisters) =)
Kayla Marie